Tourism & Hospitality, like any other dynamic sector has metamorphosed over time. Growing competition has compelled stakeholders to bring about innovation in this sector at regular intervals. Concepts like Rural, Adventure Retail Weekend & Medical Tourism have developed to attract the new generation of tourists who are upwardly mobile and have high disposable income.
It has hence become utterly important to prepare oneself to meet these challenges and to maintain the competitive edge for sustainable growth in this sector. The creative forces of the market are essential in a demand-driven sector. Consumer expectations have to guide the design, the development and the commercialization of tourism products. This means that tourism policies must be customer and market-oriented. Innovation and creation of innovation mechanism are necessary for the continuous rejuvenating of the existing offer and for endogenous growth. In the recent years Indian tourism & hospitality sector has witnessed the entry of several foreign & domestic private players and large private investments flowed into the sector to add fresh capacities.
CII Northern Region is organizing CII Tourism Fest – An International Fest on Tourism and Hospitality from 5 – 7 December 2014.
Event objectives:
- Developing bilateral relationship between the domestic stakeholders and the foreign counterparts.
- Attract investments in the tourism and hospitality sector.
- Focused sessions by State Government highlighting initiatives.
- Investment policies to be discussed announced by the participating States.
- Investors to be given an opportunity to raise their concerns with Tourism Minister/Secretaries of the participating states.
- To make Tourism fest as the biggest and most anticipated event of the region.
- CII Tourism Fest-2014 would create an ideal platform for tourism and hospitality fraternity to explore business opportunities.
- The unique event would immensely benefit the holidaying population of the region to reach out to the new destinations of the World.
- Exposure to the people of the region to engage them towards overall development of the Industry.
- Job Creation.
- Promote Rural Tourism, Natural Tourism, Wedding Tourism, Agriculture & Organic Tourism.